Pursuit-Evasion Models for Designing Wargaming

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of mathematical sciences, department of pure mathematics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the wargaming tools for analyzing strategies is game theory. This article examines the role of differential games and especially pursuit and evasion games in the design of air wargaming simulators. In a given closed and bounded set N we study through models some specific strategies in a pursuit and evasion game. Then we design a method for solving a war game in the setting of chess game language by using the given strategies in each model. These games include two pursuers and one evader. The game must be done in the set N. Pursuit can be completed in two ways. First way: the distance between pursuers and evader becomes zero. Second way: with the given distance, the distance between pursuers and evader becomes this given distance. Assume two pursuers and one evader as defender aircrafts and attacker aircraft respectively. In a wargame in the setting of the chess language game we give a winning strategy which is promising for pursuers and obtain a sufficient condition for winning. Also we give a strategy in which evader will not be captured and derive a sufficient condition for that. Also we give another strategy and derive a sufficient condition in which just by adding one more pursuer, pursuers win the game.
Keywords: Purser-Evasion, Chess, Strategy.


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