Identifying and prioritizing the effective factors on improving the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's student, Command University and Aja Headquarters, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSC, Command University and Aja Headquarters, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Imam Ali University (AS), Tehran, Iran.


Power shows an actor's ability to use resources and facilities to influence international events for his own benefit. Soft power, as one of the new knowledges, has been significantly developed in recent years, the main purpose of the research is to identify and prioritize factors affecting the improvement of the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army. Ph.D.s are in fields related to operational and non-operational activities and are in the range of senior officer ranks and above, and the sample size of the above community is considered to be 98 people using Morgan's table. The method of conducting descriptive research and the type of research is also practical. The data collection method includes: field, library, and also the data collection tool was using interviews, questionnaires, documents and documents from internet sites, and then it was investigated and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis (spss) and finally mixed analysis. Governments mainly tend towards military power or hard power. Over time and as a result of changes in international relations, a new type of power called soft power emerged in relations between countries. If we want to have a strong army, we must be strong in all directions, and this includes the promotion of hard power as well as soft power.


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